To my wonderful husband of 4 years! Who would have thought 11 years ago, when we first met at the Pumpkin patch, that we would be where we are today. I know I surely wouldnt be even half of the woman I am today. You have taught me and showed me a Christ-like love that is impossible to imitate. You encourage me daily to grow closer to the God who brought us together. You are my strength when Im weak. You remind me that God always has a plan. We have learned that together, we can conquer anything! You make me feel like the most beautiful person in the whole world. And most of all, you still give me butterflies in my stomach.
I can only imagine just how much better our marriage will continue to get. I want to grow old with you...hand in hand.
I love you more!
Your wife
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Happy Anniversary!
Posted by Anderson Family at Thursday, November 04, 2010 0 comments
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Dear Grandpa...
We sure do miss you already. The past several years have been such a blessing having you in our home, and lives. Growing up, we werent that close to you. But having you with us the last years of your life brought us all oh so close. Give Grandma a kiss for us in Heaven, catch lots of fish and, eat as many cookies as you want!
You brought a smile to our face when:
* You would steal dads clothes out of his closet and wear them
* You would hide cookies in your bed and pockets so you could have them when we werent looking
* You caught the bushes out front on fire
* You would smoke in the house and push moms buttons
* You would Eat 5 or more bananas a day, leaving none for us to have
* You would Laugh at old western movies, when they werent that funny
* You tried to ride the get away from us
* You actually accomplished running away and it took us forever to find you, or the cops to find you
* You wore your funny hats
* You drank your Odules and actually thought you were getting a buzz from it
* You would dance to music
* You would light up to Mrs. Lois bringing you fast food
* You saw a pretty lady, and would flirt with her
* You smoked in the bathroom at a restaurant to hide from us
* You were aware enough to know that sprite was not wine, and Ginger Ale was not Whiskey on the rocks
* You would call us by name
* You would get the mail everyday
* You asked my dad for a paycheck bc of your job (getting the mail)
* We would give you money (paycheck) and you would in turn give it right back to help pay for things
* You would talk about your Childhood
* You would play with the dogs
* You would flirt with the nurses
* You would let moms bird go, because you thought it wanted to be free
* You would kiss and hug us goodbye
* You told us you loved us
Posted by Anderson Family at Thursday, August 26, 2010 0 comments
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Vacation to Tennessee
Posted by Anderson Family at Wednesday, August 25, 2010 0 comments
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wow...what a long week. While my parents have been on a nice 3 week vacation in the Bahamas, we have been keeping an eye out on Grandpa. We have taken turns going to see him, bringing him cookies, feeding him and giving him lots of sugar. Over the past couple of weeks we have noticed that he was progressively getting worse. Long story short... here we are day 2 in ICU. Lindsey and I have been taking turns sleeping here, helping feed him...but mostly helping the nurses and doctors, considering he is extremely aggitated and uncomfortable. But as long as we are here, holding his hand or rubbing his forehead...he tends to relax and not throw punches. I think they have all learned he has a pretty good right hook.
Sitting next to his bed now, lights off so he can sleep, while listening to the thunderstorm outside...all I can think about is the Lords Will. While we want him here, we want the suffering, confusion, hospitals and nursing homes, to come to an end.
Please pray for our family these next couple of days while decisions have to be made as to what happens next. Where to go, how we will be with him to comfort him, flexing work schedules and so much more.
Please also pray for my mom, while she is gone this is difficult not being here. They will be back late tonight, but she misses him and I MISS HER!
Updates to be continued later:
Signing out...a tired granddaughter who loves the Family God has Blessed her with!
Posted by Anderson Family at Thursday, July 15, 2010 0 comments
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Baby day at more!
So today my sister called and needed me to watch Kaelyn at work...she was amazing. I had such a busy day today considering it is the end of the month, but she just made the whole day better. She laughed, cooed, and distracted ALL my employees. Take a look...
Matt and Kaelyn
Marty and Matt being distracted by lil Kaelyn
Play time!
Now Aunt Lindsey being distracted by Kaelyn Bug!
She truely makes any bad day go great! Thank you Lord for sweet babies!
Posted by Anderson Family at Thursday, July 01, 2010 0 comments
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
First and foremost, I am sorry again for the delay in updates. The Anderson Household has been super busy. We dont have internet at the house, so updating the blog can only happen while Im at work, and on my lunch breaks. So after a couple breaks I will hopefully be able to fill you in on our lives these past three months.
House Projects:
Last month we finally got our entertainment center finished. As I mentioned before, Kenny and my brother in-law built it. We then took it to a professional painter, where its finishing touches were completed. It is absolutely beautiful and completely changed the whole look of the living room. Thank you Pottery Barn for the design...and thank you Lord that we were able to make it for a 1/4 of the price it would have cost if we had actually bought it from Pottery Barn. I am so in love with this piece of work!
Right before we got the entertainment center back from the painting shop, we also received our new couches. I had been waiting on these for months.They are still fresh (a little stiff) so Kenny and I rotate seats daily to wear them in. I was so happy to have finally gotten rid of the old college couch...well at least its out of the house. The couch now resides in the "Mancave," making a beautiful addition to the tools and clutter. Anyone need a couch? :)
Next project to tackle was our landscaping. Let me remind you...we live on 2 full acres. So landscaping is not something we can due over a weekend. In fact every weekend we are cutting grass, pulling weeds, cleaning out the banana trees, burning branches, babying our fig and satsuma tree, planting new flowers, trees or shrubs. Thank goodness that we actually enjoy yard work. Truthfully, this is when Kenny and I probably spend most of our time together...and we love it!
Below is a couple pictures of some of the landscaping we have done...still much more to do on Deer Run Rd!
I show this picture now, because the green trim is our next project that we will be tackling on the whole house!
Agapanthus plants on the left side of the house. I love these durable plants!

Posted by Anderson Family at Tuesday, June 29, 2010 0 comments
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The kids...How could I forget the kids!
Teal has put on 15 pounds since we got her, and her beautiful coat has finally come in. Overall, her health has improved a ton, thanks to some great medicine and special food.
While I say that her and Rusty are getting along, Teal still is the dominant one of the two. After all, she is the Alpha. Teal gets extremely jealous of any toy, not just her "special bears." The picture below explains it perfectly... Teal in control of ALL the toys we own.
While she might be the dominant of the two dogs, she still has the biggest heart of gold. She loves her daddy especially, and just melts when anyone touches her or gives her any attention.
Kenny and I have definitely come to the conclusion that we could never get another dog after these two...there is just NO absolute way we could ever get another pet as good as the two we have!
Posted by Anderson Family at Tuesday, March 09, 2010 0 comments